    DICE Game

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- hide from old browsers

    THE JAVASCRIPT COOKBOOK by Erica Sadun, webrx@mindspring.com
    Copyright (c)2000 by Charles River Media.  All Rights Reserved.
    This applet can only be re-used or modifed by license holders of the
    JavaScript Cookbook CD-ROM.  Credit must be given in the source
    code and this copyright notice must be maintained. If you do
    not hold a license to the JavaScript Cookbook, you may NOT
    duplicate or modify this code for your own use.

    Use at your own risk. No warranty is given or implied of the suitability 
    of this applet for any specific application. Neither Erica Sadun nor 
    Charles River Media will be held responsible for any unwanted effects 
    due to the use of this applet or any derivative. 

//------------------RANDOM NUMBERS----------------------------
var js_mult1=3141
var js_mult2=5821
var js_m1=100000000
var js_m2=10000
var js_iseed=0
var js_iseed1=0
var js_iseed2=0

// Return a Random Integer between 1 and N 
// (adapted from cookbook standard 0 to N-1)
function random(n)
    if (js_iseed == 0)
        now = new Date()
        js_iseed = now.getHours() + now.getMinutes() * 60 
                    + now.getSeconds() * 3600
    js_iseed1 = js_iseed / js_m2
    js_iseed2 = js_iseed % js_m2
    var tmp = (((js_iseed2 * js_mult1 + js_iseed1 * js_mult2) % js_m2) * 
                js_m2 + (js_iseed2 * js_mult2)) % js_m1
    js_iseed = (tmp + 1) % js_m1
    return (Math.floor((js_iseed/js_m1) * n) + 1)

//----------------------PATH UTILITIES--------------------------
// Get the grandparent directory and append aDir
function getSibling(aDir)
    var loc = ""+document.location.href
    // get this dir, then parent
    var base = loc.substring(0, loc.lastIndexOf("/"))
    base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf("/")+1)
    return base+aDir

//------------------ARRAY CREATION----------------------------

// create an array
function createArray(n)
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {this[i] = 0}
    return this

// --------------------THE DICE ROLL---------------------
// Roll the dice
function roll(aform)
    // Game must be started and not finished to roll
    if ((!gameInProgress) || (turns > 12))
        alert("No rolls left. Please start a new game.")
    if (thrown)
        alert("You must first assign the previous roll.")
    // Determine Number of Dice and Sides
    var num = 5
    var sides = 6
    // Get the Dice Image Directory
    var baseRef = getSibling("GRAFX/DICE/DIE")
    // Frame the body
    var s1 = "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"ffffff\"><FONT SIZE=6 COLOR=\"770000\"><CENTER>"
    var s2 = "</CENTER></FONT></BODY>"
    // Frame the table
    var t1 = "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>"
    var t2 = "</TABLE></TR>"
    // Frame the specific images
    var i1 = "<TD><IMG SRC=\""+baseRef
    var i2 = ".GIF\" HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=32></TD>"
    // Initialize dice window

    // set dice count to zero
    for (var i = 1; i <= sides; i++) dice[i] = 0

    // throw the dice
    for (var i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
        var mythrow = random(sides) // throw a die
        dice[mythrow]++         // increment the throw counter
        parent.JCdice.document.write(i1+mythrow+i2) // create drawing
    // Finish the dice window

    return thrown = true

// Set up Double Buttons
function setupForm(t1,act1, t2,t3, act3, t4)
    document.write("<td align=right><INPUT TYPE='BUTTON' VALUE='"+t1+"' ");
    document.write("<td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' VALUE='' NAME='"+t2+"' SIZE=3></td>")
    document.write("<td align=right><INPUT TYPE='BUTTON' VALUE='"+t3+"' ");
    document.write("<td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' VALUE='' NAME='"+t4+"' SIZE=3></td>")

// Set up Double Text Entries
function setupForm2(t1,t2,t3,t4)
    document.write("<td align=right>"+t1+"</td>")
    document.write("<td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' VALUE='0' NAME='"+t2+"' SIZE=5></td>")
    document.write("<td align=right>"+t3+"</td>")
    document.write("<td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' VALUE='0' NAME='"+t4+"' SIZE=5></td>")

// --------------------GAME INITIALIZATION---------------------

// Initialize Global Variables
var dice = createArray(6)
var thrown = false
var gameInProgress = false
var turns = 0

// Start a new game.
function initGame()
    if (gameInProgress &&  (turns < 13) && thrown) 
        if (!confirm("Game already in progress. Start over?")) return(false)
    // Set all fields to zero or empty
    for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
        eval("document.forms[0].count"+i+".value = ''")
    for (var i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
        eval("document.forms[0].kind"+i+".value = ''")
    // Start game with a throw
    thrown = false
    gameInProgress = true
    turns = 0
    return roll()

// Create the Data Entry Form
function createForm()
    document.write("<CENTER><FORM><TABLE BORDER=2>")
    document.write("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER><B>Dice Roll    Game</B></TD></TR>")
    setupForm("1s","simple(1)","count1","3 of a kind","mult(3)","kind3")
    setupForm("2s","simple(2)","count2","4 of a kind","mult(4)","kind4")
    setupForm("4s","simple(4)","count4","Sm. Straight","sstraight()","ss")
    setupForm("5s","simple(5)","count5","Lg. Straight","lstraight()","ls")
    setupForm("6s","simple(6)","count6","Full House","fullhouse()","fh")

    document.write("<tr><td align=right>Subtotal</td>")
    document.write("<td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' NAME='SUBTOT1' SIZE=5 VALUE='0'></td>")
    document.write("<td align=right><INPUT TYPE='BUTTON' VALUE='Sum of Dice' ")
    document.write("<td align=left><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' NAME='sum'")
    document.write("SIZE=3 VALUE=''></td></tr>")

    setupForm2("Bonus (over 63)", "BONUS", "Subtotal", "SUBTOT2")
    setupForm2("Total","TOT1", "Grand Total", "TOT2")
    document.write("<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>")
    document.write("<INPUT TYPE='BUTTON' VALUE='Start New Game' ")
    document.write("<td colspan=2 align=center>")
    document.write("<INPUT TYPE='BUTTON' VALUE='Roll Dice' ")

// --------------------SCORE UPDATES---------------------

// Updates after a score on the left hand side
function updateTotalsLeft(d)
    // update totals
    var subtotal1 = parseInt(document.forms[0].SUBTOT1.value) + d
    var subtotal2 = parseInt(document.forms[0].SUBTOT2.value)
    var bonus = (subtotal1 < 63) ? 0 : 35
    var total = subtotal1 + bonus
    var grandtotal = total + subtotal2

    document.forms[0].SUBTOT1.value = subtotal1
    document.forms[0].SUBTOT2.value = subtotal2
    document.forms[0].TOT1.value = total
    document.forms[0].TOT2.value = grandtotal
    document.forms[0].BONUS.value = bonus

// Updates after a score on the right hand side
function updateTotalsRight(d)
    // update totals
    var subtotal1 = parseInt(document.forms[0].SUBTOT1.value)
    var subtotal2 = parseInt(document.forms[0].SUBTOT2.value)+d
    var bonus = (subtotal1 < 63) ? 0 : 35
    var total = subtotal1 + bonus
    var grandtotal = total + subtotal2

    document.forms[0].SUBTOT1.value = subtotal1
    document.forms[0].SUBTOT2.value = subtotal2
    document.forms[0].TOT1.value = total
    document.forms[0].TOT2.value = grandtotal
    document.forms[0].BONUS.value = bonus

// --------------------SCORING TOOLS---------------------

// Sums of ones through sixes
function simple(n)
    if (!thrown)
        alert("You must first roll the dice")
        return false
    if (eval("document.forms[0].count"+n+".value != ''"))
        alert("You have already used this button once in this game.")
        return false
    // Dice Value
    var d = dice[parseInt(n)]*parseInt(n)
    // update field + totals
    eval("document.forms[0].count"+n+".value = "+d)
    return thrown = false

// Multiple throws (n of a kind)
function mult(n)
    if (!thrown)
        alert("You must first roll the dice")
        return false
    if (eval("document.forms[0].kind"+n+".value != ''"))
        alert("You have already used this button once in this game.")
        return false
    // Find the greatest multiple
    var m = 0
    for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) if (dice[i] > m) m = dice[i]
    // Find the sum of the dice
    var sum = 0
    for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) sum += i*dice[i]
    // Check for n of a kind    
    if (n == 3) {if (m >= 3) d = sum; else d = 0} 
    else if (n == 4) {if (m >= 4) d = sum; else d = 0} 
    else if (n == 5){if (m >= 5) d = 50; else d = 0}
    // update field & totals
    eval("document.forms[0].kind"+n+".value = "+d)
    return thrown = false

// Sum of Dice
function sum()
    if (!thrown)
        alert("You must first roll the dice")
        return false
    if (document.forms[0].sum.value != '')
        alert("You have already used this button once in this game.")
        return false
    // Find the sum
    var sum = 0
    for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) sum += i*dice[i]
    // update field & totals
    document.forms[0].sum.value = sum

    return thrown = false

// Full House
function fullhouse()
    if (!thrown)
        alert("You must first roll the dice")
        return false
    if (document.forms[0].fh.value != '')
        alert("You have already used this button once in this game.")
        return false
    // Find the two and three
    var two = 0
    for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) if (dice[i] == 2) two = i
    var three = 0
    for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) if (dice[i] == 3) three = i
    if ((two != 0) && (three != 0)) d = 25; else d = 0
    // update field & totals
    document.forms[0].fh.value = d

    return thrown = false

// Large Straight
function lstraight()
    if (!thrown)
        alert("You must first roll the dice")
        return false
    if (document.forms[0].ls.value != '')
        alert("You have already used this button once in this game.")
        return false
    // Assure all are ones for lower or upper
    var lower = true
    for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) if (dice[i] == 0) lower = false
    var upper = true
    for (var i = 2; i <= 6; i++) if (dice[i] == 0) upper = false
    if (lower || upper) d = 40; else d = 0

    // update field & totals
    document.forms[0].ls.value = d

    return thrown = false

// Small Straight
function sstraight()
    if (!thrown)
        alert("You must first roll the dice")
        return false
    if (document.forms[0].ss.value != '')
        alert("You have already used this button once in this game.")
        return false
    // check lower then middle then upper
    var lower = true
    for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) if (dice[i] == 0) lower = false
    var middle = true
    for (var i = 2; i <= 5; i++) if (dice[i] == 0) middle = false
    var upper = true
    for (var i = 3; i <= 6; i++) if (dice[i] == 0) upper = false
    if (upper || middle || lower) d = 30; else d = 0

    // update field & totals
    document.forms[0].ss.value = d

    return thrown = false

<!-- done hiding --></SCRIPT></HEAD>

<BODY bgcolor="ffffff" link="0000ff" vlink="770077">
    ALIGN = LEFT>"Potsie", the Dice Roll Game</H1></FONT>
        Enjoy this game of counting dice rolls.  Each "slot"
        can be filled only once.  A little experimentation will
        familiarize you with the rules. Five of the same
        kind is considered a "Potsie".

    <FONT COLOR="007777"><H2>Discussion</H2></FONT>
    <FONT SIZE=4>
    This JavaScript program is simply huge. It demonstrates how
    a large sophisticated application can be built in JavaScript.

<h5>Copyright &copy;1996 by Charles River Media, All Rights Reserved</h5>